In a world that is full of fear, I want to encourage you today from the truth of the Word of God 2Timothy 1:7 tells us that God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind. If God has not given us a spirit of fear: where does fear come from? I believe fear comes from the devil, the enemy of our souls. Fear can be described as: False

Evidence Appearing Real In Acts 16:25-30 we read of the Phillipian Jailor and how, when Paul and Silas were imprisoned, they PRAYED and PRAISED God. When they applied FAITH to their fear by praying and praising, the Bible tells us, there was an earthquake so that the very foundations were shaken, IMMEDIATELY all the doors were opened and everyone’s bonds were loosed. You could say the evidence was there. The doors were opened, there was a gaping big opening. The Bible goes on to say how the Jailor awakened and SUPPOSED the prisoners were gone. The penalty for escaped prisoners was certain death, the stark reality and supposed evidence was there. It is at this point that the Jailor reacts with fear. False Evidence Appearing Real. He draws his sword, is about to kill himself before someone does it for him, when Paul cries out in a loud voice with the TRUTH. Do yourself no harm for we are all here. The Bible says that the Jailor called for lights and rushed in trembling with fear. Fear had meddled with his mind. I wonder is fear meddling with your mind today in light of what is going on in our world? Then listen to this: when the light shone into the darkened place, the TRUTH was revealed, they were all there! The Jailor believed and received crying out, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ God’s Word transforms the darkness into light. The light overcomes the darkness. So how do we overcome fear in what appears to be a very dark place right now? I would suggest we replace fear with FAITH. Forsaking All I Trust Him. Like Paul and Silas, Pray and Praise. Shine the light of the Gospel into darkened places. Replace FEAR with FAITH. The truth is, if you have a personal faith in the Lord Jesus as your Saviour and Lord you have nothing to fear. Nothing can pluck you from His hand but fear can disable you. It can halt your purpose and the good plan God has for your life. If you do not know Jesus in a personal relationship, then you have something to fear. Would you, like the Phillipian Jailor, let the light shine into the darkened recesses of your heart, repent and turn away from your sin, be transformed from darkness to light, released from fear, into freedom of an eternal life.Â
 God bless you all today and remember, if you are His child you are already